“Bad Boys” Cap Donated to the Museum
“Bad Boys” Cap Donated to the Museum
Check out this latest donation to the museum. This was donated by Michael Works, who went by the name “Cal” and wore number 44. He played at Palm Beach of course, and he also played pro in Newport. He had a strong right side and now lives in Montana.
I texted this image to several former players from those the two rosters and many distinctly remember this cap. “Cal” also remembers Denver, Rastock and Adam from Milford Amateur Jai-alai, who play often at the St. Pete court now.
What does the “Bad Boys” of Palm Beach Jai-alai stand for?
Bruce “Denver” Weisman thinks it might have had something to do with the movie that came out in 1995 but is not positive. Lou “Jai-a-Lou” Berdelians isn’t 100% sure either, but thinks it was based on marketing – that the Pam Beach layers were the “bad boy” – so come see them.
Anyways, it is a nice addition to the museum. Thanks Cal!