Benny & Big Dave Discuss Puryear Park Court on Broadcast
Yesterday on the Dania Jai-alai broadcast, Benny and Big Dave Lemmon discussed the St. Petersburg Cancha during their broadcast.
You can check I out here.
Special thanks to George Quinn for sending it over to the Pelota Press. I was watching the NFL playoffs on TV all day Sunday and missed it. I also could have sworn I heard the announcer (who I had no idea was) close out Saturday nights performance as saying the next performance was this Wednesday. Oh well, we all have bad nights, like Dave LaMott did on Friday night! I’ll see you guy again this Thursday and Friday nights. Been a real treat to watch the past 6 weeks and its almost coming to an end. Benny has already mentioned about next year on the broadcasts, so one can assume it’s been a success like we predicted. How ‘bout some marketing next year Dania? Couple of billboards perhaps? Even send out some email updates to your own data base on jai-alai would help. too.