Dania’s Casino Numbers Growing Expeditiously, Could Jai-alai Be Next?

After checking the monthly stats of the south Florida casino that Tiger posts monthly, one couldn’t help but notice that Dania’s casino numbers are growing at a phenomenal rate. When I mean casino numbers, I’m talking about their slot machine net revenue and cardroom gross receipt numbers, which likely is well over 90% of their total revenue. This is not counting food and beverage sales, jai-alai revenue from the 3 months of action, and the occasional concert/comedy show upstairs.
The backbone is slot machines, of course, and now that number has suddenly spiked 25% in April of 2024. Without confirmation, I believe that was their record month EVER – in net slot revenue, which reached $4,754,273 in Aoril. They have passed Big Easy (formally Mardi Gras) and are closing the gap within nearby Gulfstream’s numbers. That relates to $230 a machine in net revenue, a far cry better than the $70s and $80s I believe they were in during the first few years in operation.
Why the sudden increase? Twenty-five percent is a lot for any business, especially in the competitive gambling business in South Florida and being the closest facility to the Number One competitor – The Hard Rock Casino. Did they increase their marketing? Give away free cars every day? Why the sudden spike?
There are a couple of reasons for the sudden surge. The slot machine increase is likely from the new selection of high-end slot machines they recently added and appear to be quite popular with customers. Having a smoke free casino is a huge bonus, too. Even though the Hard Rock does about as good as a job you can in removing it, the smoke in the Tribe casinos is annoying.
The poker room numbers are way up because the new manager in charge is really good at what he does. And the General Manager of the operation loves poker and he’s a player. It always starts at the top, and yes, Brian Cashman, that means you too.
What about jai-alai?
They have been figuring out a way to extend the season from the current 3-month tournament season into a five- or six-month event. But unfortunately, at this time, that would create a problem with getting players because most of these guys can’t leave and be here that long. Plus, I am sure there are visa issues. Regardless, it is too late for this year of course (schedules are set a yar in advance with the state) , but Dania is talking about extending in the future.
What about additional improvements?
Theres a lot of property sitting there. What about a large hotel and a nice restaurant adjacent to the fronton/casino? Dania is right there with the Ft. Lauderdale airport and one of the largest cruise ship ports in the world. Millions of tourist are there every year and a nice big hotel would have now problem staying full at high rates, especially in the winter/early springtime. Ever try getting a hotel room in the area? They are usually full or expensive as hell.
Anywho, we still have jai-alai going three months when we all thought it was dead.