J Laca Museum Expanding for the 4th Time

The J Laca Museum is expanding for the 4th time to make room for a large collection of jai-alai memorabilia just obtained since visiting Dania for the final weekend there.
Additional walls are being extended and the Babe Ruth section getting relocated to make room for a whole bunch of new jai-alai stuff.
The crown jewel is the actual Hall of Champions plaque that was hanging in Tampa Jai-alai lobby. The huge handmade and crafted plaque features all the winners of Overall wins, Singles, Front Court Doubles, Back Court Doubles, and ITM % from their first season in 1953 to 1996 when the 76” x 50” wooden frame ran out of room. Many items were stashed in a storage area at Ft. Piece Jai-alai, but the property was recently sold and they are relocating their poker room to another smaller location. Other items from the vault are books that include all the programs from every year since 1953.
A large collection was obtained from Dania Jai-alai such as a scrapbook of it getting approved and built in 1952-1953, It includes hundreds of newspaper articles. Other items received are a 1982 Playboy magazine with the monthly playmate enjoying jai-alai – her favorite sport!
The museum is expected to be open this Friday afternoon.