Latest Dania Jai-Alai Rumor – 120’ Short-Court Modification?
Another rumor just starting to wind its way through the Jai-Alai underworld and perhaps a real whopper, or who knows, maybe a reality? Here it is: Installing a glass-panel back wall like Magic City Jai-Alai to shorten the court to 120’ which will allow an extra 50+ feet plus of room for adequate player social distancing behind the glass wall along with relocating the announcing area and video equipment.
Actually this rumor makes a lot of sense and could be a genuine cost-cutting measure that might perhaps extend the life of Dania Jai-Alai for years to come? Thinking about this one, the expense of the back wall change would be pretty minimal and could happen relatively quickly. Also, the higher ceiling height than Magic City could make for some pretty intensive short-court Jai-Alai action? If this rumor turns out to be reality, a short-court National Jai-Alai Championship could get really competitive and be a blast!
Haven’t heard much for details on this rumor, whether it’s for near term or a modification for last half of December or down the road. Source on this one has adamantly insisted that “mum is the word” which is the rumor mill standard, LOL. Only time will tell…..I have my doubts on this one. This would involve Magic City type balls and cestas too, but who knows, this whole rumored concept with a reduced roster size (attrition/visas being a factor I would imagine, some players would likely say “no” and play in Spain/Europe) would definitely be a cost saving measure. One thing for sure, Dania rumors are a dime a dozen right now…..
Maybe soon we will find out what is really going on? Let’s hope so!