Magic City’s U.S. National Jai-alai Championship August 19-21st

Less then a month away now is the Magic City’s 3rd annual National Jai-alai Championship to be held in Miami, Florida. An overwhelming number of players have signed up at a free crack to win some of the $2,800 up for grabs in prize money.
The event will take place over 3 days – Friday, Saturday and Sunday and will feature a Masters Division and a Professional Tournament.
Masters Division
The Master’s division is open to amateur and former professional players who have not played professional since December 21, 2016, and professionals who are age 50 and older. The event will be held on Friday and Sunday for the Master’s with a first place finish winners collecting $1,000 in singles and in doubles with second place finishers collecting $500 in both singles and doubles.
There is a limit of 28 singles entries allowed and 14 doubles entries allowed with games played to 6 points and the finals to 7 points.
The finalists in singles and doubles will automatically be entered in the Pro Tournament Division.
Professional Tournament
The professional tournament will beheld on August 20 and 21st and is open to current professional player and former professional players who have played professionally since January 1, 2017, and professionals who are under the age of 50.
Here the prize money is a walloping $10,000 in prize money for first place and $5,000 for second place.
This is limited to 24 singles entries and 24 doubles teams with games played to 7 points and the finals played to 9 points. There will be a Playoff bracket in Doubles only.
The event is open to the public with no restrictions or masks required for the first time in its 3-year history.
We will have the list of participants in another week or so as rosters are still being fine-tuned.