Matt’s Court Celebrates 12th Anniversary
Matt DiDomizio sunk all he had into building an amateur court in central Connecticut, and now 12 years later, everything is still going strong.
To mark the occasion, he held a big weekend tournament last weekend that was attended by dozens or players and spectators.
“Everyone really played great in his tournament”, DiDomizio said. He made special mention to players like Gallo who “played phenomenally”. He also said “DeCarlo, El Nino, Gino and Tino all played fabulous to get to the finals in in the finals”.
Matt was also pleased to see Lander and his dad playing against each other and “really, really great”.
Other players he mentioned included Ed G, Okie (Bill O’Connor), JK and Thomas. Also, Paul R, Jacques and Edward were great too he said.
The two-day tournament took place Saturday and Sunday with a 12 game Spec 9 performance held on Friday night. Matt was very happy in the way “everyone was so good in, number one, their behavior and number two, in helping out– bringing food, buying food, helping with the refereeing, subbing in games when I needed them. He made note of the great announcing by Leo, which the Pelota Press concurs on.
Loren Harris Tribute
There were tributes held during each performance on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for the late Loren Harris. Matt helped raise $556 over the 3 days (special thanks to all those that chipped in) that has been sent to Mexico in his name.
Matt Tribute Video
Matt’s daughter Katie was quietly working behind the scenes the past week or so collecting videos of several players who congratulated Matt on his 12th anniversary and was played to everyone on Sunday. A great idea that went over well. You can watch the video on the link here or on YouTube.
Here are the results of the event: (Right click any picture and open image in new tab to enlarge)