Takeout Rate Changes for MC Fall Pelota 2024 – some Good News!
Takeout Rate Changes for MC Fall Pelota 2024 – some Good News!
By Straymar
The takeout rate for trifectas has been 25% for both Magic City Fronton and Dania Beach Casino Fronton, however, starting tomorrow at the Fall opener at the Magic City Fronton the takeout rate on trifectas will be 3% lower, thus at a 22% rate. The reduced takeout rate means larger payoffs for trifectas which is great for the bettors!
There has been a small increase on takeout rate for the Jai-5 (the popular Pick 5 jackpot wager) and for the two Pick 3’s. Previously the takeout rate has been 20% on these wagers at Magic City (25% at Dania on Pick 3’s) and the rate on these is being upped by 2% to a 22% takeout rate effective at the Friday opener.
The Mighty Ocho Pick 8 has been dropped, but the Daily Double is still on the table for the early doubles games 1&2. The takeout rate for the Daily Double remains unchanged at 20%. Take advantage of this low takeout rate and good luck to all!