Texas Jai-alai is coming soon! Kick a Puppy while you’re at it!

Okay, you puppy kickers and girl beaters. Evan W. Coleman has had enough of your bullshit. Texas Jai-alai is going to be the REAL DEAL!!!
Just Google “Texas Jai-alai” and you will see for yourself. Texas Jai-alai has been open since 2009 and is alive and well. Yes, even drawing up to 12,000 fans a night at one time.
Yes, most of you “bad” puppy kickers that read Tigers site have seen the website claiming that Texas Jai-alai is coming. That was in 2009. Today, multiple websites rave about the success of Texas Jai-alai.
Jai-alai.info reports that Texas is the second state in the U.S. What? I recall San Francisco (California), then St. Louis (Missouri), opening frontons. And so did Chicago (Illinois), and New York City (New York). Oh, Connecticut had 3 of them, and Rhode Island had one, too. Talk about sloppy reporting.
Fla-gaming.com reports that Texas Jai-alai, opened in 2009, is located north of the city of Dallas, in the Palermo area. Near the facility, is a commercial complex, so spectators can enjoy shopping and dining as well as jai-alai. There is even a day-care center. The Texas Jai-alai fronton is large enough for 12,000 spectators, including the VIP section. There are concession areas, gift shops, and luxury suites.
Texastatesports.com reports that the “first fronton in Texas was built in Denton in 1977 by a group of investors from Miami. The game was an instant success with crowds flocking to the new fronton the watch the matches and gamble on the outcome. The fronton quickly became one of the most popular tourists attractions in Denton, and it wasn’t long before other frontons began popping up around the state.”
I couldn’t make up more bullshit than what’s when up on the “worldwide web”.
Yes, it is funny that a posting on Tigers site by someone named “Corta Deportes” reports that a recent story published by “El Correo”, a Basque Newspaper says four frontons are about to open in Texas. In 2009. Folks, that was 14 years ago. “Until now, the construction of a new fronton in Texas has been announced, that, next to the new one of Jasper in Florida, will change the negative course of a specialty that has been in a crisis for years.” A capacity of 12,000 spectators. Restaurants, cafeterias and even a day-care center. A 45-man roster. Big pay checks for the players included. The story concluded with a link to the Texas Jai-alai site, the same one we have seen since 2009. Yes, that posting was on April Fools Day. But his other stuff has been up for years.
Heck, even this very website you are reading had an announcement that Donald J. Trump was reopening West Palm Beach. And this very writer claimed he was building a jai-alai court in his front years for the past 9 years.
But then its was a posting by Evan W. Coleman on Tigers site, also on April Fool’s Day that opened my eyes. Yes, that is the very person who is responsible for Texas Jai-alai. To be fair, he has not made the ridiculous claims that Texas jai-alai has been alive and well all these years. He did state back then that it would take 10-12 years for this to happen. We are past that point now, but we also lost two years of our lives due to the COVID era.
Here is a reprint of his posting:
Someone was nice enough to forward this web site and the threads to me yesterday and I would like to take a moment to respond to all.
First and foremost, thank you all for your concern about our future. We are very excited about what lies ahead for us, so let me address some of the nay sayers.
When we (jai-alai) are added to the current list of para-mutual sports in Texas, it is our intent to start construction within 6 months. I have personally met with the Mayors and/or City Council members of Dallas/Fort Worth, Arlington, Grand Prairie, Irving, Round Rock, Grapevine, Houston, Katy, San Antonio, Austin, Plano, and Carrollton.
Each and every one of those cities have expressed a huge interest in having us in their city. My job will be to select which city will be the host to the first Fronton. Several of the afore mentioned cities have even offered to build the facility for us.
Unlike the above individual who seems better educated than the cities or me, they understand the economic impact that a new sport will have on their community.
Slots or as they’re referred to in Texas, VLT’s (video lottery terminals), are not something we wish to have in any of our facilites! I do not wish to be associated in any way with something that in 10-15 years will be looked upon another failure in Texas. Slots machines are not a cure for bad business practices.
It will written into our Bill that we WILL NOT be eligible to place them in our Frontons. We also, will not simulcast horse racing or dog racing.
Why? We will be a Jai-alai sports and entertainment facility. Not a casino, horse track, or a dog track. We will offer the finest Jai-alai entertainment that the United States has ever seen, period. If you come in wearing shorts or a tux, there will be a amenity for you. Whether it’s for those who wish to stand or those who would like their own suite for the evening or just to hang in the VIP section.
Bennett, those are P-r-o-t-o-t-y-p-e-s.
Jeez……kinda makes you wonder…..
The players will be treated like the professions that they are. Unfortunatly, we cannot pay them like the NBA, but we can sure treat them that way. They WILL be paid better than ever before, but that being said, they will have to train like the pro athletes that they are. They will also be required to meet the fans and do public apperances, but they will also be free to pursue outside endorsements as long as it doesn’t cast a negative shadow on the Fronton.
We will take a pro-active approach in developing a local fan base. We will not hide or shelter the players from the fans. Nor, will we make the game inacessible. This is the reason for the 30 meter court that will be built on the adjacent to the Fronton.
We have no intentions of making the same mistakes that other facilites have made.
The largest facility will have a capacity of 11-12,000….. not seating for that many. I wish. No two frontons will be identical. The size of the city will decide the capacity of the fronton.
Yeah, the stuff is priced like you’d expect merchandise to be priced from a professional sports franchise. Also, it will change a little each year so that no two years merchandise is the same. That’s what will help make it collectible.
And finally for those of you who hope we fail. I truly don’t understand why you bother to use this web site. I thought it was for the fans.
Isn’t there somewhere else that your negativity and your desire to see other people fail, be better served?
It is very obvious that you’re not a true fan. I bet you even hit girls and kick puppies.
In closing, for those of you who are fans and wish to speak to me in person, feel free……..even the puppy kickers.
PS……..we are less than one week from our deadline to help the Katrina kids. If you can’t swing a shirt or hat, how bout 5 or 10 bucks on the donation button????
To all, even the girl beaters, have a Happy Holiday Season.
For all this to happen, Mr. Coleman is living a dream. First of all, he will need upwards of $150-$200 million dollars to pull this off – maybe less if he is able to get those cities to build the facilities like he says they might be able to. Good luck on that one.
He then takes a stab at “Bennett” and says, “those are P r o t o t y p e s”. I would assume he’s pointing fingers at the same Bennett, who I would say has been the most respectable poster on Tigers site over the past 18-years. It must have been a previous posting he made that I was unable to locate. But I’m not sure. This Texas jai-alai site has been brought up a few times over the past 14 years on Tigers site.
The next fallacy is the 11-12,000 capacities of each of the frontons. What!!! Are you kidding me? That’s more than the Tampa Bay Rays, Miami Marlins or the Oakland A’s average at their crappy ballparks.
He then takes a stab at Tigers site and wonders why people use it. He even goes to the extreme of calling them as those that would go around hitting girls and kicking puppies! Again, I couldn’t make this stuff up.
He also talks about having no slot machines. Texas does allow horse and dog racing, with the latter all but gone now. Competing against slots would be like me competing against Goiko in a singles match. Its only a matter of time till casino’s are allowed in Texas.
I wonder if that Coleman posting was by Ralphy Boy himself. He does a great job of checking on anyone before anyone can post there, and Coleman is Mr. Texas Jai-alai. But I’ve never seen a posting by Coleman in the past.
If it was April Fool’s Day joke all along, it was pretty clever! And a “Happy Holiday Season?” Wasn’t that a few months ago? Jeez. I’ve had enough.
Time to go kick a puppy, I guess. On second thoughts, no I won’t.