By Jeff “Laca” Conway

The big tournament coming up at the Magic City jai-alai fronton is heating up and so are the lineups.
Here is a partial listing of some of the team playing I the first round in both singles and doubles that involve current Dania and Miami jai-alai players.
(Subject to change given the circumstances of travel plans of players due to COVID-19)
As you can see, there are some interesting singles games and teams featuring star players from Dania jai-alai, Miami jai-alai, Magic City, Connecticut Amateur Jai-alai, N Miami and Tampa Bay amateur courts. For example, Connecticut Amateur cancha owner “Matt” DiDomizio is scheduled to play “Minte” from Danai jai-alai in the first round of singles. NJAA’s top amateur player “Anthony” Sutton is teaming up with Belota (Orlando, Ft. Pierce, Calder, NJAA) to play Angel and Ikeda in the first round of doubles.
We will keep you posted with much more information over the next week.
Angel vs Geno | Chris & Gitty Up vs Frank & Gallo |
Gallo vs Bradley | Chuch & Super Jules vs Gorka & Johan |
Frank vs Rey | Casio & Petro vs Ben & Carballo |
Casio vs Arrieta | Angel & Ikeda vs Barracuda & King |
Matt vs Minte | DeCarlo & James vs Guillermo & Spinner |
Gitty Up vs Gioxerri | Anthony & Belota vs Jairo & Larrea |
Tevin vs Super Jules | |
Bernard II vs Spinner | |
Goitia vs Cachin47 | |
Ari vs Gorka | |
Larrea vs Ant |