Cancun Amateur Fronton Adds Court Additions

By Jeff “Laca” Conway
Cancun, Mexico: The pandemic has delayed things considerably, but the Fronton Salas in Cancun has been slowly adding on improvements to getting the long anticipated project completed. As you can see from the video, a new roof has been added and some seating area up in the front of the court. All the facilities (including a bar!) are now operational, but there is still work going on, but hopefully everything will be ready in time for their first big event April 3rd and 4th.
That event will have 22 Spaniards and several people from Tijuana including Loren Harris and his team of kids along with others from around Mexico.
As you can view in the photo and video, there was action with the Salas brothers along with Julian Abed, The Natural, Javier.