Matt Spring 2023 Tournament to Launch Friday – Full lineups & Details
Matt DiDomizio has another big tournament at his palace that will launch this Friday evening at 6:30pm. The “fronton” is located in Berlin Connecticut and no betting is allowed.
About 25 players have signed up to play, including a group of eight jetting up from the Tampa Bay area. The Spring 2023 event will once again fall on another anniversary of the cancha, an achievement in itself.
There is a big twist to this event – the Friday night Spec 9 performance will feature quinella style Singles action for the first time as opposed to doubles.
There are 6 entries in the early games and 11 entries for the late games. The Matt ball will drop at 6:30pm for Game 1. Guest coming to watch will be asked for a $10 donation to the court on Friday night only.
Saturday’s performance will begin bright and early at 9am. There will be two division of 6 teams in the first division and 9 teams in the second division. It will be Partido play, and Playoffs will be held after each first round. It is estimated that the first group will be on from 9-10:30 am, with the next group about 11am till 12:30pm then the 3rd group around 12:30–2pm. Then the playoffs.
On the final day of action, Sunday, April 30th, it will strictly be Partido’s – up to 21 points per game. Currently, there are 7 games lined up for that event. Start time is early again – about 9am.
In other words, if your signed up, you will get plenty of playing time.
Here are the sheets for each day – starting with the Friday night: