Miami @ Tampa Bay Jai-alai Tournament Fundraiser a Big Success

There was a big turnout this past weekend as several players from Miami Amateur Jai-alai made the trip up to play on the other Florida amateur court for the first time.
The fundraiser event to raise money to enhance the already “greatly improved and expanded” public court in St. Petersburg, netted over $1200 in donations to go towards it.
Over 25 players participated as a crowd of about 50 attended the performances.
On Saturday night, about 45 people attended a special party held at the J Laca Museum which included the entire roster from the N. Miami cancha.
The winners of the event were Tampa Bay star players Anthony Sutton and Scott King. Coming in second was Brodie and Corky (also of Tampa Bay) and coming in third was Jeraga and Angula of Miami.

There will be a rematch held at the N. Miami facility at a date to be announced.