N Miami vs Tampa Bay Tournament II June 10-11th

The state of Florida will have another grudge match as several of the top N Miami amateur players will invade Tampa Bay for weekend of great action – in less than 11 days from now – June 10-11. The event is being organized by Belota.
It’s hard to believe, but the same event was held 46 weeks ago on July 30-August 1st.
All players are welcome to sign up to play on Saturday, June10th. The event starts at 10am. If you would like to sign up, contact me via text or email and the names will be turned over to Belota for the scheduling. Sunday’s event will be invitational only to play, with the top players from both area’s competing against each other.
There will no admission fees, prizes, trophies, or food served (sorry pizza lovers!). Just good old fashioned jai-alai.
Among the players confirmed from the N Miamai cancha include Luis Angulo Peter Henry Jose San Juan Rubio and Jesus.
Sunday’s action will also start at 10am. The time frame of the tournament will depend on the number of players that sign up. We anticipate that number to be in the mid-20s to low 30s and players can expect to play in 4-5 games each on Saturday.
When signing up, please confirm if you want front or backcourt, or doesn’t’ matter, but there are no guarantees.
There will be a museum party again that night with live blackjack, beer, booze, and food. The event will start at 6:30pm. Last year’s party had some delicious homemade lasagna. that went down the gobbler very well. Please RSVP for the party (attendance at Puryear Park that day not required).